Weddings at Deer Park Heights, Thurlby Domain and Stoneridge


This article is about obtaining proper permission for using private land as stunning wedding locations in Queenstown. For my article on FREE and PUBLIC locations, click HERE instead.

Some of the best wedding spots in Queenstown happen to be on private land. While some photographers (especially from overseas) like to be sneaky and trespass.. the worst thing that could happen during your wedding ceremony is if the angry land owners come and tell you to get off their property.

This kind of drama can be avoided by simply obtaining permission from the land owners - it is totally worth it considering the price, the views and privacy.

Keep in mind that a really average wedding venue in New Zealand will cost about $5000.

Please contact me if you wish to hire any of these private locations for a photoshoot or a wedding ceremony.
To protect the land owners’ privacy, I cannot publicly list their contact information.

Prices are current as of November 2020.

Deer Park Heights

Deer Park Heights has been closed off to the public for over 10 years, and have only recently started giving out permits for weddings and photography. This is the big mountain you’ll see when you land in Queenstown (not the Remarkables) and is privately owned. Used as one of the filming sites for the Lord of the Rings, the scenery from this location is simply stunning.

Sunny Day at Deer Park Heights

Sunny Day at Deer Park Heights

Overcast Day at Deer Park Heights

Overcast Day at Deer Park Heights

Cloudy Day at Deer Park Heights

Cloudy Day at Deer Park Heights

Stormy Day at Deer Park Heights

Stormy Day at Deer Park Heights

Rates for Weddings and Photoshoots:

Engagement and Pre-Wedding Shoots (2 hours) $300 plus GST for one car, $150 pus GST for additional cars.

Elopement Wedding $920 incl GST, $287.5 incl GST per additional car

Thurlby Domain

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Rates for Weddings and Photoshoots:

Photography: $200.00 plus GST ($230.00) for photography only sessions.

Weddings and Elopements: The usage fee is $500.00 plus GST ($575.00) per day or any part thereof and which

includes the use of the property for the setting up and dismantling of any structures or equipment to be used for wedding ceremonies on the day (includes photos).

Queenstown Wedding Venues | Thurlby Domain | Stoneridge Chapel | Deer Park Heights

Chapel By The Lake at Stoneridge Estate

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The Chapel by The Lake at Stoneridge Estate is a cozy small church that acts as a good wet weather option for having a wedding in Queenstown.

$900 for venue hire for 2 hours, with capacity up to 25 guests.

james hirata